When is The Right Time To Do Sport in Ramadhan?
24 March 2022In the holy month of Ramadhan, it is almost always that people reduce their physical activities quite significantly. But it is not advisable for you to turn into a ‘potato couch’. Sports or physical.
In the holy month of Ramadhan, it is almost always that people reduce their physical activities quite significantly. But it is not advisable for you to turn into a ‘potato couch’. Sports or physical activities are needed to keep our stamina and body metabolism level. Need not worry, you will still be able to observe your fasting while also maintain your fitness.
These are some infos on how to achieve that.
Best time to do sports
There is no prohibition to do sports during fasting in any time of the day, be it morning, nearing break time, or even in mid-day. But the best time may be in ‘ngabuburit’ period, just before the break time. Apart from perking up your body, it is also not foo far away from the moment when you can drink to quench your thirst. It is also fine to do your sports at any time of the day; just ensure that it is not too hot and not under direct sun light as it may cause dehydration. Doing indoor sports with air-conditioning is more advisable. Always listen to your body, recognize your limits. Those who do sports routinely would definitely have better stamina than those who do not.
Choices of sports
Refrain from heavy sports or those with lots of running such as football or basketball. Choose sports with mid-level intensity such as treadmill, jogging, or leisure biking. Those activities are fun to do and are beneficial to the body while not too energy consuming. Keep the length of activities half of what you usually do in normal time. For instance, if you usually jog for 60 minutes, do for only 30 minutes while you are fasting. Do not force yourself. Remember, the main objective of doing sports in the fasting month is not to tone your body or to lose weight, but to maintain fitness level. Swimming, though may be good, is not advisable as you may accidentally swallow water that may break your fast.
Activity preparations
Similar to doing sports in other times, doing sports in Ramadhan must also be done with some warming ups. Do at least 5 – 10 minutes of warm-up. You may do some stretching or slow walk on the treadmill before you eventually increase speed. Warm ups are vital to minimize risk of injury during activities.
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