Delisting Information
PT. Taisho Pharmaceutical Indonesia Tbk(the “Company”)
Line of Business:Pharmaceutial Industry, Phone:+62 21 520 6720, Faks:+62 21 520 6735
For the purpose of compliance with the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 31/POJK.04/2015 on Disclosure of Material Information or Facts by Issuers or Public Companies, the Company hereby announces the following material information:
Date of event 21 March 2018
1. Type of Material Information
Delisting of the Company's shares from Securities listed at PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia (Delisting)
2. Details of Material Information
Delistings made to all Company's shares (Series A and Series B Shares) and has been approved by the Company's Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on December 13, 2017.
The reason for Delisting is that the Company is unable to comply with the requirements of the provisions of V.1 and V.2 of Rule Number IA concerning Listing of Shares and Equity Securities Other Than Shares Issued by Listed Company and therefore, the Company decided to do Voluntary Delisting.
3. Impact of material information on operational activities, legal, financial condition or business continuity of Issuers or Public Companies
There is no significant impact of this Delisting on the Company's operational activities and the Company's financial condition and the Company's business continuity. By law, the Company is currently a Public Company whose shares are not listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange.
4. Other remarks
All processes associated with Delisting have been completed and Delisting has been effective as of 21 March 2018 based on PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia No. S-01633/BEI.PP3/03-2018, dated 20 March 2018.
All processes associated with Delisting have been completed and Delisting has been effective as of 21 March 2018 based on PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia No. S-01633/BEI.PP3/03-2018, dated 20 March 2018.
Thus, this report of material information is conveyed.
Jakarta, 23 March 2018
Board of Directors of the Company